Thursday, October 24, 2013

Peter Pan Costume

If you need a costume idea that you can quickly make before next week, here's a great one.  I actually finished this the beginning of September...last year I was scrambling to finish his costume and this year I wanted to get a jump on it ASAP.  My son is really excited about his costume, even though the pictures don't do it justice.  He's not a fan of pictures!  Oh boys, gotta love them!

I didn't come up with the pattern for his costume, but I did find some that were a great help in completing this project.  And I absolutely love the way it turned out.

The top, belt, knife and hat were all from Ashley over at Make It and Love It.  She's a genius, especially when it comes to awesome costumes.  Here's the post on her Peter Pan costume.

The idea for the shoe covers came from this post, although I didn't follow it completely.  I came up with my own similar way, but I didn't document the process.  This tutorial is very helpful.

The leggings came from the girls over at Small Fry.  I used an old shirt of mine that I didn't wear anymore and it was perfect for him.  My son has really long legs, so those mini skirts from Forever 21 that they used won't work for him, but I'm definitely going to grab a few and make some leggings for my daughter.  This tutorial was really fast and very simple, just the way I like.

These pictures crack me up; he was doing his best to cooperate while not looking at the camera.  And he only did so because I may or may not have promised him some M&M's for helping do what you gotta do.