Friday, October 25, 2013

Tinkerbell Costume

This Tinkerbell costume was really easy and I think it turned out so cute!

I love homemade costumes because they're fun to make, but mostly because they're unique and they don't look and feel cheap like the store bought ones.

For the tutu, I followed this no-sew tutorial.  I used lime green shimmery tulle and white glitter tulle.  Fair warning: the glitter tulle sheds like crazy.  So if you don't want the mess, just use the shimmery tulle.  It's still really pretty and fun, I just wanted that "pixie dust" look (and I got it; you should see the sparkle that flies off when she runs!).

The wings were made kind of like this, but I used tulle instead of nylons...never again.  I used the tulle because that's what I had on hand, but next time I am definitely using nylons.  Let's just say that tulle doesn't glue well...

For the top, I used a white onesie, taped a stencil onto it and glued glitter to it.  For the shoes, I bought some used ones in her size from Kid-to-Kid and glued on the same glitter that I used on her onesie.  To get the glitter to stay on her shoes better, we gave them a few coats of lacquer and it totally worked.  We made sure to use it outside away from the kids and to let it dry a few days before she wore them.

Her wand was made using my tutorial here, and her tights are these from Target.  That's it!  Really simple and she loved running around pretending to be Tink.