Monday, October 20, 2014

home inspiration - for the future

Recently, my husband got a huge promotion at work.  For normal people, this would mean they would be able to afford to move out of their parents' basement!  But unfortunately for us, we now have student loans that are coming out of deferment and we will have to make payments on those that will be large enough to keep us in the basement for an unforeseeable amount of time longer.  In the meantime, I like to daydream about what I could or would do if we had a place of our own.  Here are some spaces that I love and will keep for inspiration for the day when we get to become *real* grown ups. *click images for sources*

You can follow along with all things home that I'm loving right here

Maybe I should tell the story of our situation?  It's long and would need to be broken up over a few posts.  For now, let's just say it involves life giving us the biggest lemons we've ever had and how we've had to learn to accept it and move on.