Friday, September 19, 2014

baby fashion iii

It's mid September and the high today is 82 and earlier this week it got into the 90s.  And half of August was like 70 degrees and raining.  What's up with this weather, Utah?  It has been nice to enjoy the last weeks of Summer in weather that actually feels like summer, but Fall officially starts on the 23rd and it's my favorite season, so I really hope it cools down 20 or so degrees.  Who's with me!?  Well, in the mean time, my daughter is getting to wear some of the clothes I bought her for the colder months.  Like this skirt, which I think will be so cute with some thick tights, a warm sweater and boots.  Something like this.  Adorable, right? 

sources // tights / boots / skirt / sweater / hair bow

Well, anyway, it's not cold at all, so sandals and a tee it is!

Little Miss Sassypants, er skirt?, with her brother's broccoli.  Two is an interesting age with this one!  Interesting in the best way possible, though.  It really is so fun to see so much more of her personality and she is talking like crazy, with complete sentences.  Conversations are always interesting with little kids, especially your own.

When I asked her if she would let me take pictures of her, she said yes but she needed to bring that bag of broccoli along too.  Anything that makes me look like a better parent is fine by me! ;)

And I have to say, I know that Gap shoes can be pricey, but I got these sandals back in April with a 40% off coupon, so it brought the price down a lot (I'm pretty sure I paid $12 for them) and they are such great quality!  She has worn them pretty much every day this summer and they've held up so well, they still almost look new!  I really wish I had bought another pair in a bigger size for her to wear next year, but how do you guess ahead on size?  Seriously, all you mom's that shop a seasons ahead, how do you do it?  Teach me your ways!

sources // skirt / top Gap Factory / sandals Gap, not available / hair bow 

Are you itching for Fall to get here like me, or do you wish Summer stuck around all year like my husband?  That's one thing I love about where we live, we get real seasons!

*This post was not sponsored; all thoughts and opinions are my own.*