Thursday, October 10, 2013

White Sauce Chicken Enchiladas

**First, I want to apologize for the terrible quality of these pictures.  I am not a photographer, especially not a food photographer.  I don't have a fancy camera and the batteries for my Nikon Coolpix are dead, so these were taken with my iPhone.  I think I do pretty well with outside photography, it's inside I struggle with.  Indoor lighting is tricky business!**

Anyway, on to the enchiladas.  You've probably seen the recipe for best enchiladas ever floating around on Pinterest.  Well, I kind of want to challenge that.  I've tried it and it's good, but I think that mine is better.  If you've tried that one and you try this one, you'll have to let me know what you think.  Just for comparison's sake, my recipe uses whole wheat tortillas, more veggies and there is no butter or flour, so ya know, it's healthier ;)

This recipe makes 16 enchiladas, to 9x13 pans, which is great for having leftovers (these freeze really well) or feeding a lot of people.  However, if you want less, you can just half the recipe.  Super simple!

Here's what you'll need:

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
16 oz. of your favorite tomato-based salsa
3 cups low-sodium chicken stock
16 oz. low-fat sour cream
two 4 oz. cans green chilies
1 can black olives, diced
3 roma tomatoes, diced
1 medium white onion, diced
3 cups shredded cheese, of your choice (I use the cheddar/jack mix from Costco; also, I eyeball this, so you can use more or less, depending on your taste)
16 whole wheat tortillas (we use these)
refried beans (I use this recipe)
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
4 tbsp. corn starch, dissolved in about 1-2 tbsp. water

To start off, place the chicken and salsa in a crock pot and cook on low for about 6 hours.  Shred the chicken and let it sit in the juices in the crock pot while you make the sauce so that it can reabsorb as much of the juices as possible.

To make the sauce, saute the onion in vegetable oil until translucent.  Add chicken stock and heat to a boil.  Add cornstarch mixture and stir until thick; remove from heat.  Stir in sour cream, green chilies, tomatoes, and black olives.  Spread a small amount of sauce on the bottom of your two (or one, if halving) 9x13 pans.

To make the enchiladas, spread desired amount of beans onto middle of tortilla, then add chicken and some cheese.  Roll up and place in pan.  Continue until all the tortillas and chicken are used.  Top enchiladas with remaining sauce and then top with cheese.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 30-35 minutes until the cheese is melted, slightly browned in some spots and bubbly.  And enjoy!