Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving this year was very laid back and relaxing.  It was so nice to be able to spend time with extended family but also get a lot of time in with just our little family of four.  We had dinner at my husband's grandparents' house and after we ate, we went on a walk with the kids to find some deer.  We found pheasants, quail, and a rabbit, who our daughter lovingly referred to as "deer rabbit."  It was hilarious and still makes me laugh.  Then, as it was getting dark and we were just about to head inside, our son spotted a herd of seven deer.  The kids were thrilled and even tried to run down the hill to the field where they were grazing.  They were close enough for us to see them, but too far away to get any good pictures, unfortunately.  I made a little video of our day.  Making videos is so fun but I wish I was a lot better at them!  I can't seem to get them to turn out quite like how I imagine them in my head, but maybe with practice it'll come.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Song by Bobby Rydell, "I Wanna Thank You"