Thursday, October 9, 2014

dark chocolate cupcakes with salted caramel frosting

My husband turned 30 last week!  He doesn't think his birthday is anything special, but I do and he's totally wrong haha.  I really wanted to make this birthday special for him.  I made sure to get him the gift he wanted, took him to his favorite Mexican restaurant where a bunch of our closest friends surprised him, and the kids and I surprised him earlier that day with a giant "30" balloon and these amazing cupcakes for him and all of his coworkers.  He said he loved it all.  Success!

If you've never made cake from scratch, for whatever reason, you absolutely have to make this one.  It's easy, no fuss, and the cake turns out moist and chock-full of delicious chocolate flavor.  The frosting recipe is from Bakers Royale and is seriously the best caramel frosting ever.  It's not super sweet, but is loaded with rich, buttery salted caramel flavor.  It's my favorite frosting ever, with possibly only the exception being this peanut butter frosting recipe.  Possibly.  Click here for the frosting recipe and click on the image below to get the printable version of my cupcake recipe.  Enjoy!