Friday, April 18, 2014

Design Experience

Something I've been wanting to do for awhile now is e-design work from home.  It would enable me to still be home with my kids while doing something I love and earning a little extra income for our family at the same time.  Win, win, win.  The only problem is that the only experience I have is for and with myself.  I love design mood boards and I love to make them (I know, I'm a nerd), but I rarely share them and I've only ever made them for me and a couple times for my sister.  So really, I doubt that anyone would want to hire me to do it.

Enter: Fiverr.  Fiverr is a site where people offer services starting at $5 and I decided that this could be a great place for me to advertise e-designs and gain experience so that one day I could do it on my own through this site.  You can see my gig here.  For $5 I will create a design board for you, complete with shopping list, for one room.  A steal, right!?  Usually e-designs cost hundreds, if not more and for good reason.  It takes time to create a great looking room, plus you're doing it without actually having seen the space in person, which can be challenging.  I figured this would be a great way to gain experience without it having to be totally free but the clients really won't be losing out on much.  If you're serious about getting outside help for your interior design project, but are a little apprehensive about the cost, then this could work great for you.  At best, you love my work and I gain a positive experience.  At worst, you hate it, but you're only out $5 and I gain an experience that I can totally learn from.  I'm also offering a one time edit per order, so it's not like you would have to take it or leave it on the first shot. 

So here's how the whole process will work.  After payment is received, I'll send you a questionnaire form that you fill out and email back to me along with measurements of the rooms dimensions, a few photos so I can see wall placement, any moldings or details, etc, and if you have a Pinterest account where you've pinned inspiration photos, a link to that, or some inspiration photos, if you have any, of what you would like the room to look or feel like.  Then I'll take all of the information I've gathered and come up with a room design within your budget (that you'll tell me on the questionnaire) along with a shopping list of where you can get everything pictured.  I would also love to do some remodel designs as well, like this bathroom pictured below (which I totally want now!).

So what do you think?  Would you take a chance and help me gain some experience?  I'd love to work with you!

*all images are my own design boards*