Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tissue Paper Confetti

My baby boy turns 3 tomorrow!  I'm kind of having a hard time wrapping my brain around it.  Where has the time gone?  I mean seriously, I remember his birth so vividly, it literally feels like it was just yesterday.  Since his birthday is during a time of year that is less colorful (goodbye beautiful autumn leaves) and he definitely brings a lot of color (i.e. energy) to our family, I try to make his birthday as colorful as possible.  I though that big tissue paper confetti was a great way to incorporate bright colors.

tissue paper
card stock
craft punch

Fold your tissue paper so that you're punching several layers at one time.  My punch could do a maximum of 8 layers.  Place your card stock on top of it and slide them into your punch together.  The card stock needs to be on top so the punch has something thick to punch through, otherwise it won't work.

Repeat until you have as much confetti as you want.  The tissue paper I bought is Hallmark brand at Walmart in a pack of all the colors pictured including white.