Thursday, October 31, 2013

Felt Crown

My son's birthday is next Wednesday (I can't believe my baby's going to be 3!), so I made him a crown to wear for his special day, and any day after that he feels like pretending to be a king or prince.

I buy my felt from Benzie Design on Etsy.  They are so great to work with and the felt is such great quality; seriously, check them out.  For this particular project, I bought the 12x18 sheets so that I wouldn't have to sew any pieces together to make it long enough to fit around my son's head.  The colors I used are midnight and smoke.

1" elastic

Draw out a design for your crown before you cut your felt (you can use mine here).  Using your pattern, cut your felt.  I only cut the blue, then I sewed it to the gray, and then cut the gray to make sure they lined up nicely and I would only have to cut the gray once.

Make sure you keep the sides open so that you can attach the elastic.

For the elastic, I used 1" elastic and I cut my fabric to 3 inches.  To make the casing for the elastic with the fabric, fold the fabric in half with right-sides facing each other.  I sewed them together with a 1/4" seam and then used a safety pin to turn it inside out (there's a great tutorial for that here).  Then I used the safety pin to thread the elastic through.  Once the side that doesn't have the safety pin attached is lined up with the fabric, sew them together so the elastic doesn't move.  Finish pulling the elastic through to the other side and sew that end together.  Now back to the crown.  I made sure to sew back and forth twice when attaching the elastic to the felt so that when it's pulled it won't undo the stitching.

The last step was to trim off the gray felt so that it was cut evenly with the blue and then I was done.  My son loves his crown and I really hope it helps make him feel special on his special day.  I'll do a post on some fun garlands I made for his party next week, so make sure to check back for that.