Thursday, December 11, 2014

our first real Christmas tree

Last week we went and bought our first real Christmas tree.  The kids are in heaven now that we have a Christmas tree and we all had a lot of fun picking one out and then bringing it home and setting it up.  My dad was able to help us out as he was staying with us while he was here for business.  The kids love spending time with their grandparents and were thrilled that Grandpa was able to help us with the tree (and so were we).  I made a video of the night.  Enjoy!

song "Sleigh Ride" by Ella Fitzgerald

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I'll just let the pictures take over this one...

sources // her / dress Zara, last summer, similar / boots Old Navy / hair bow Janie Bird Shop / tights Gap / sweater H&M // him / pants H&M / tee Gap / shirt Gap / shoes Gap

Monday, December 8, 2014

Society 6 Promos

There are some great deals going on this week over at Society 6!  You can check them out here.  There's still time to get gifts for family and friends.  Happy shopping!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving this year was very laid back and relaxing.  It was so nice to be able to spend time with extended family but also get a lot of time in with just our little family of four.  We had dinner at my husband's grandparents' house and after we ate, we went on a walk with the kids to find some deer.  We found pheasants, quail, and a rabbit, who our daughter lovingly referred to as "deer rabbit."  It was hilarious and still makes me laugh.  Then, as it was getting dark and we were just about to head inside, our son spotted a herd of seven deer.  The kids were thrilled and even tried to run down the hill to the field where they were grazing.  They were close enough for us to see them, but too far away to get any good pictures, unfortunately.  I made a little video of our day.  Making videos is so fun but I wish I was a lot better at them!  I can't seem to get them to turn out quite like how I imagine them in my head, but maybe with practice it'll come.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Song by Bobby Rydell, "I Wanna Thank You"

Thursday, November 27, 2014


When I get behind the camera, my best ally is natural light.  I've been trying to figure out how to get great indoor pictures without the use of artificial light or the camera's flash.  On this particular day, the only way I could get good pictures while taking advantage of the natural light was to get down on the floor, which caused me to see things from a new perspective.  Side note: I still ended up needing some help with light because it was overcast outside, so I eventually turned on the light.

My kids are 4 and 2, but they both are capable of carrying on full conversations and they try to be independent much of the time.  So a lot of the time I forget just how little they actually are.  My kids love trains and they love it when I create a new and different track for them.  So after I put it together for them and they started playing, I decided to photograph the scene because they were playing and getting along so nicely.  That certainly needed documentation.

Watching their little hands move the trains through the twists and turns and over the bridges and hills while listening to their sweet giggles was nothing short of heavenly.  That morning at breakfast, my daughter asked my husband why he had to go to work and why I had to stay home.  He told her that it was because we had decided a long time ago that we wanted him to go to work to provide for us and for me to stay home and work taking care of the kids and home.  I love my job and I am very fortunate to be able to do what I do.

Today was a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with my little family and feeling overcome with gratitude.  I hope your Thanksgiving was lovely as well.

Friday, November 14, 2014

the first snow

It snowed yesterday and it was magical. And I may or may not be playing Christmas music when I'm in the car with my kids, who happen to love it just as much, if not more than I do. As usual, I wish everything my daughter wears came in my size. #sigh

sources // dress Gap, no longer available, similar / tights Gap / boots Old Navy / bow Etsy / hat H&M, found in-store / coat Zara, last year, similar / sweater Target, last year

Thursday, October 23, 2014

family vacation 2014

So we went on a trip back east for a couple weeks and just got back earlier this week.  Unfortunately, we had to travel with most of us (3 out of 4) sick with the flu.  Fun fun!  Here's a video I made of our trip.  It's the first one I've ever made and I think I may be hooked.  So much fun!  Enjoy!